Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Aftermath

What a wild couple of days it has been.  As I alluded to on Saturday night, there are not nearly enough words in the english language to demonstrate just how appreciative and thankful we are for all of your support, and screaming, singing, smiling faces at The Big Show.

It was everything we hoped for and more.  Beth is hard at work getting the pictures up to her blog (www.bsquaredphotography.net) so we can all re-live the memories together.

Now. . It's time to start building new ones.  Where's the next show gonna be?  We'll get to work on that.  In the meantime, I've updated our MySpace Show Listings so you all can come out and sing along.

Also, without any further delay. . My top 5 favorite songs of all time, in no order:
  1. David Gray - Lately
  2. John Mayer - Wheel
  3. Led Zeppelin - Fool In The Rain
  4. Pachelbel's Canon in D Major (You all love it too)
  5. I'm leaving the five spot open for now
I will chime back in as to the whys and hows later on.  Also, I'll dig deep and try to fill up number 5.  Leaving it open feels like a little less pressure to me.  Feel free to post your five favorite songs.  We're always looking for new stuff to listen to.  Surprise us.

Thank you all again.  Keep your eyes open.

Peace Love and Vocal Harmonies


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